The Department of Community Medicine is a well-organized department of Dhaka Community Medical College. This Department of Community Medicine consists of a lecture gallery, multiple tutorial class rooms and a museum which has specimen model. The teachers of this department teach Community Medicine to the undergraduate students of MBBS course. The department also runs a post graduate course on public health named MPH (CM) course under BSMMU and make them eligible to cope with the recent public health problems and make them able to run community based research on public health issues.
In fact, the department of Community Medicine is involved to integrate the vast information of Community Medicine and Public Health issues and explaining it to the students with absolute clarity in step-by-step manner.

Under graduate Course: MBBS
Post graduate Course: MPH (Community Medicine)
Under Graduate (MBBS) Course Contents: (Dhaka University)

Allocation of Course Contents
- Concept of Community Medicine, Health and Disease
- Primary Health Care (PHC)
- Communicable Diseases
- Environmental Health
- Disaster Management/Preparedness
- School Health Services
- Principles of Epidemiology and Epidemiological Methods
- Medical Statistics and Health Information System
- Food and Nutrition
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Non-Communicable Diseases and Road Traffic Accidents
- Applied Disinfection and Sterilization
- Reproductive and Child Health
- Family Planning
- Demography and Population Dynamics
- Immunity and Immunization
- Behavioral Science and Mental Health
- Health Administration and Ongoing Health Programmes in Bangladesh,
- International Health & NGOs
- Health Education &
- Occupational Health
Post Graduate Course (MPH- Community Medicine)
Consisting of three semesters. Each semester consist of 06 months. Last semester is only for Thesis.
Total 84 credits.
1st semester: 6 months
2nd semester: 6 months + thesis +dissertation topic selection
3rd semester: 6 months+ data collection, analysis+ Protocol presentation+ thesis submission
Departmental presentation:
Every Sunday scientific presentations are used to carry out by the students of MPH and also by the young teachers of the department.
Organogram :(Under Graduation and post graduation)
SL | Post Name | Existing Faculty |
01 | Professor | 02 |
02 | Associate Professor. | 02 |
03 | Assistant. Professor. | 02 |
04 | Lecturer | 02 |
05 | Guest Lecturer | 01 |
Departmental Activities:
- Teach MBBS students of different aspects of Community Medicine in 2nd Phase of the curriculum of Dhaka University.
- Conduct Residential Field Site Training Programme(RFST) for MBBS students so that future health care providers will be able to:
- Conduct day visit programme of MBBS students in different health related organizations and guide them to write report.
- Train MBBS students to conduct research and prepare research report.
- Conduct study tour of MBBS students to observe different natural and health related organizations of the country for acquiring knowledge and developing skill in assessing health needs and demands of the population.
- Conduct research on public health related topics.
RFST(Residential Field Site Training):

RFST Programme for 3rd year MBBS students is an integral part of the curriculum of Community Medicine.Head of the Department of Community Medicine will implement the programme as a coordinator. Teachers of the Community Medicine assisted by UHFPO will perform the responsibility for successful implementation of the programme. Health Educator of Community Medicine will organize field level activities of the students.
Study tour:

Optimal education and development of competent professionals ready to serve humanity cannot be simply confined within the walls of the lecture galleries and tutorial rooms. Theoretical learning must always be supplemented with practical experiences for an enhanced and efficient academic process. Medical students in particular are subject to rigorous pressure from the workload of their studies and often fail to balance them with appropriate and adequate rest and leisure to recharge the batteries. Such a tour emphasizes experimental learning and offers both group and self-oriented activities enabling students to explore a variety of diverse cultures, practices and meet new people.
The study tour was organized to commence on Saturday, the 13th of March 2022 comprising of 83 students, 06 teachers, 01 staff member responsible for arranging the tour. This visit is an essential component of the revised course curriculum set by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council in the year 2012.

Day visit for 3rd year MBBS students is an integral part of the curriculum of Community Medicine. Head of the Department of Community Medicine will implement the programme as a coordinator.
Sites of day visit:
- Infectious Disease Hospital (IDH)
- National Institute of Disease of the Chest and Hospital
- EPI Headquarter (Expanded programme on Immunization).
- Institute of Leprosy Control Hospital
- Mohammadpur Fertility Services & Training Centre (MFST)
and 100 bedded MCH Hospital
- Institute of Public Health
- Savar Upazila Health Complex
- Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed.
Research done:
- Knowledge and Practices of Contraceptive Methods among The People in Coastal Area of Bangladesh.
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) among the outpatients attending a tertiary level hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
MPH Programme ( Course: Community Medicine)
Department Introductory:
Department of MPH (Masters of Public Health) in Dhaka Community Medical College is starting from January2019. It is situated in the ground floor of Medical College building as a Public Health Department. All the Lecture, Tutorial and Practical classes held on Gallery -3(3rdfloor), Museum (1st floor) and Public Health room (1st floor). In MPH (Masters of Public Health) all classes are taken by Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant professor and lecturer and guest lecturer. Class time/hour started from 8.00am to 3.00pm in all 6 days in a week. In 2023, 4th Batch of MPH is running. There is 1 Course (Community Medicine) in this department. In every year (from 2019) there are 3 students studied under BSMMU.
Department Activities:
Vast activities are held in this Department:
MPH (Community Medicine) consists of 3 semesters for 1 and ½ years which are distributed in courses by credits. There are 15 courses in 1st semester in which we studied 8 courses.
These are
- Principles of Epidemiology
- Research Methodology
- Biostatistics
- Community Medicine
- Community Nutrition
- RCH (Reproductive and child health)
- Environmental health
- Health service management and policy.
- Microbiology
- Health Promotion, Health Education and behavioral Science
In all courses there are Practical, Assignment and field visit are present. In 2ndand 3rdsemesterthere are 5 courses
These are
- Communicable Diseases
- Non-Communicable Diseases
- National Health Issues
- International Health Issues
5.i) Thesis Protocol Development
- ii) Residential Field Site Training
iii) Clinical Attachment.
All these activities done very efficiently.
Faculty Members (Under Graduation) MBBS:

Professor Dr. Farzana Mahejabin
Professor and Head of the Department, MPH(DU),MBBS(D.U)
Department : Community Medicine

Professor Dr. Farzana Mahejabin
Professor and Head of the Department, MPH(DU),MBBS(D.U)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email: dcmch08@gmail.com

Professor Dr. Shayela Farah
Professor, MPH(DU),MBBS(D.U)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email: dcmch08@gmail.com

Dr. Shamima Parveen
Associate Professor, MPH(DU),MBBS(RU)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email: dcmch08@gmail.com

Dr. Tanzina Ahmed Chaklader
Assistant professor, MPH(Dhaka),MBBS(D.U)
Department : Community Medicine

Dr. Tanzina Ahmed Chaklader
Assistant professor, MPH(Dhaka),MBBS(D.U)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email: dcmch08@gmail.com

Dr. Sabrina Afroz
Lecturer, MBBS
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email:dcmch08@gmail.com