Dhaka Community Hospital Trust (DCH Trust) is a Trust-owned private, non-profit making and self financed organization providing health care for low-income underprivileged people. It was established in 1988. Since its inception, Dhaka Community Hospital has been implementing with an integrated and sustainable health care delivery system at an affordable cost in both the urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. Besides basic health care services, this organization is also working for disaster management, arsenic mitigation, safe water supply and community based development program. Special focus and emphasis is given on gender equity. It has successfully introduced a health insurance scheme in its project areas. The idea is to bring modern health care facilities to the less affluent section of the population at a cost which they can afford. DCH Trust has a fully equipped hospital with 500 beds, as well as established medical institutes like Medical College, Institute of Community Health, Nursing Institute and various Paramedic and Medical technology courses.
DCH has a large experience to work disaster risk reduction and management both in nationally and internationally. Nationally DCH provide health service and implement rehabilitation programme during and post disaster like building collapse, cyclone, tornado and flood and internationally it provided health service and training during earthquake in Pakistan in 2005 and in Nepal in 2015. DCH successfully responded to the SIDR 2007 with affected people on Health, Shelter and Safe Water and Sanitation aspect.
DCH Trust has established a functional and professional collaboration with several reputed national and international organizations and academic institutions and been able to mobilize human and material resources for a challenging program. Some of the collaborating institutions are as Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) Harvard University, Oregon State University- USA, Boston Children Hospital-USA, Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD), Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN), Mercy Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Jadavpur University, India, South Australia University-Australia, CRC CARE-Australia, UNDP-Bangladesh, UNICEF-Bangladesh, UNFPA- Bangladesh, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B).
DCH Trustee Member:
- Q.Q. Zaman, Chairman (Professor of Pediatric Surgery)
- M.Rahman, Co-ordinator (Professor of Medicine)
- Rohima Ali, Member (Retd. Director, Azimpur Maternity Hospital)
- Sabera Rahman, Member, (Retd. Director of Mohammadpur Fertility services & Training center)
- Qazi Habibur Rahman, Member, (Retd. Senior General Manager of Bangladesh Chemical Industries corporation)
- Sayedur Rahman, Member, (Rote. County director of Oxfam Bangladesh )
1. Professor Quazi Quamruzzaman, the Chairman of the Trust, started this project as a 20 bed hospital. He is a freedom fighter. He is a renowned pediatric Surgeon in Bangladesh & abroad. He is a pioneer in pediatric Surgery in Bangladesh & was the president of Society of Pediatrics Surgery.
2. Prof. Mahmuder Rahman is co-ordinator of the Trust & Chairman of the Governing Body of Dhaka Community Medical College. He is also Chairman board of management of Ibrahim Cardiac Centre. Prof Rahman was the main architect of Dhaka National Hospital and National Medical College. He was also the Chairman of Board of Management Dhaka Shishu Hospital.
3. Dr. Sabera Rahman was the Director of Mohammadpur Fertility Services, Training Center for 22 years and established the center as a regional model for Family Planning Services, training and for Reproductive Health.
4. Dr. Rahima Ali was the senior consultant of Azimpur Maternity Hospital and played a significant role of developing Maternity Services of that Institute.
5. Quazi Habibur Rahman retired Senior General Manager of BCIC is a Trustee of Dhaka Community Hospital. He has years of experience in administrative and Human Resource Management.
6. Mr. Saidur Rahman was the Country Representative of OXFAM Bangladesh. He is also regarded as an expert in disaster management and played a significant role in planning and developing models for disaster management of the region.
The Trust from its early days engaged itself in teaching and training of various health manpower and started an Institute of Community Health to produce various levels of health manpower. Dhaka Community Medical College & Hospital gradually grew into a 500 bedded modern tertiary care center under the able guidance of the Trust and hard work of its members. Dhaka Community Hospital will always remember the stewardship of Mr. Jalal Uddin Khandoker a national sports personality and social worker, who contributed and worked with great compassion during the formative stage of Dhaka Community Hospital.