Introduction of the Anatomy Department
Department of Anatomy, Dhaka Community Medical College, is functioning with dignity since its beginning. The department is located in the 7th floor of the college building with its Histology Laboratory, Anatomy Museum, Dissection Hall, Preservation room and Teacher’s room. Anatomy department is enriched with all types of viscera, cadaver, bones and skeletons of all systems, microscopes, models and illustrations.
All the teachers are well trained and efficient enough and they are always co-operative to help the students. This department conducts MBBS classes for 1st year (100) and 2nd year (100) students. The department also conducts classes for BDS 1st year (30) and 2nd year (30) students.
Departmental Objectives
At the end of the Anatomy course, the students should be able to:
- describe , mention, identify, show and draw the structural components of the body responsible for carrying out normal body functions
- use the above knowledge to understand, correlate and appreciate the other pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical medical subjects
- apply the knowledge of Anatomy with the knowledge of other medical subjects to provide optimum health services in the country and abroad
Departmental Objectives
At the end of the Anatomy course, the students should be able to:
- describe , mention, identify, show and draw the structural components of the body responsible for carrying out normal body functions
- use the above knowledge to understand, correlate and appreciate the other pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical medical subjects
- apply the knowledge of Anatomy with the knowledge of other medical subjects to provide optimum health services in the country and abroad
Distribution of Teaching-Learning Hours for MBBS Students (2021-2022)
Lecture | 115 hrs |
Dissection & Demonstration | 290 hrs |
Tutorial | 53 hrs |
Cell Biology & Histology Tutorial/Practical | 52 hrs |
Card Completion Exam | 20 hrs |
Grand Total | 530 hrs |
Distribution of Teaching-Learning Hours for BDS Students (2021-2022)
Lecture | 80 hrs |
Dissection & Demonstration | 148 hrs |
Tutorial | 24 hrs |
Cell Biology & Histology Tutorial/Practical | 24 hrs |
Card Completion Exam | 20 hrs |
Grand Total | 296 hrs |
Teaching-Learning Process
The teaching learning process includes large group teaching, small group teaching, practical session and assignments.
Course Evaluation
- Item Examination
- Card Final Examination (written +oral + practical)
- Term Final Examination (written +oral + practical)
Details of 1st Professional MBBS Examination (2021-2022)
Written Exam: Paper-I & Paper-II = 200 marks
Structured Oral Exam: Hard part & Soft part = 150 marks
Practical Exam =150 marks
- Soft part practical exam included OSPE, Dissection, Anatomy of Radiology & Imaging
- Hard part practical exam included OSPE, Living anatomy, Lucky slide, Histology Practical Khata
Pass mark is 60% of total marks. Students have to pass written, oral & practical examination separately.
Details of 1st Professional BDS Exam (2021-2022)
Written Exam: 100 marks
Structured Oral Exam: Board-I & Board-II= 100 marks
Practical Exam =100 marks
- Practical exam included OSPE, Dissection, Anatomy of Radiology & Imaging, Living anatomy, Lucky Slide, Histology Practical Khata
Pass mark is 60% of total marks. Students have to pass written, oral & practical examination separately.

Faculty Members (Under Graduation) MBBS:

Prof.Dr. Quazi Shamsunnahar Yasmin
Professor, MBBS, M.Phil (BSMMU)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email:dcmch08@gmail.com

Dr. Kohinur Sultana
Associate Professor , MBBS, M.Phil (SSMC)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email:dcmch08@gmail.com

Dr. Sumaiya Ahmed
Associate Professor (C.C) , MBBS, MS (BSMMU)
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email:dcmch08@gmail.com

Dr. Yasmin Rahim
Lecturer, MBBS
- Phone:+8801786196511
- Email:info@example.com