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Quality assurance is an integral part of developing competency to deliver optimum health care services
Most fundamental effort to improve quality of health care is education and training of doctors and allied staffs
An education cell or centre of excellence is an integral component of any institute that deals with undergraduate and post graduate teaching
The skill Lab of DCMCH was established to respond to the need of a centre’s to design and Coordinate different on job trainings for quality improvement union.

Vision is to produce (health care providers) through development of knowledge and skills and attitude.

Centre for excellence of DCMC&H
(Skill Lab):
Is located in 4th floor of hospital building,
It is fully equipped with audio visual facilities,
Can accommodate around 20 trainees at a time,
Also have necessary logistics support

Skill and capacity buildingEnsure Quality of patient careImprove efficiency of emergency care


Method used:
The training and designed in an interactive and participating was commonly used methods are 
Lecture discussion

  • Demonstration & reverse demonstration

  • Model practice

  • Group work

  • Role play

Video display